Display Name: Climate 2 0 Select One
Help URL: https://gis.audubon.org/arcgisweb/rest/directories/arcgisoutput/GPTools/Climate20SelectOne_GPServer/GPTools_Climate20SelectOne/Climate20SelectOne.htm
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Parameter: Region
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Region
Description: Where the species is found. Begin typing in dialog box to jump to a specific region.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Western Forests
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Arctic, Aridlands, Boreal Forests, Coastal, Eastern Forests, Generalists, Grasslands, Marshlands, Subtropical Forests, Urban Suburban, Waterbirds, Western Forests ]
Parameter: Species_Name
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Species Name
Description: Shortened name for species. Begin typing in dialog box to jump to a specific name.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Zothaw
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Abetow, Acafly, Acowoo, Aldfly, Allhum, Altori, Ambduc, Ameavo, Amebit, Amecro, Amedip, Amegfi, Amekes, Ameoys, Amepip, Amered, Amerob, Amewig, Amewoo, Amgplo, Amtspa, Amwpel, Ancmur, Anhing, Annhum, Aplfal, Arcter, Arcwar1, Ariwoo, Astfly, Attwoo1, Audori, Babwar, Bacspa, Baisan, Baispa, Baleag, Balori, Banswa, Bargol, Barswa, Batpig1, Bawwar, Bbwduc, Bcnher, Bcrfin, Belkin1, Belspa2, Belvir, Benthr, Bewwre, Bkbcuc, Bkbmag1, Bkbplo, Bkbwar, Bkbwoo, Bkcchi, Bkchum, Bkcspa, Bkcvir1, Bkhgro, Bkhgul, Bklkit, Bknsti, Bkpwar, Bkrfin, Bktgna, Bktspa, Bkvshe, Blctit4, Blkgui, Blkoys, Blkpho, Blkrai, Blksco2, Blkski, Blkswi, Blkter, Blktur, Blkvul, Blugrb1, Blujay, Bncfly, Bnhcow, Bnhnut, Boboli, Bohwax, Bongul, Borchi2, Borowl, Botgra, Botspa, Bracor, Brant, Brbhum, Brdowl, Brebla, Brespa, Britit, Brncre, Brnowl, Brnpel, Brnthr, Brocow, Brthum, Brwhaw, Btbwar, Btnwar, Btywar, Bubhum, Bubsan, Buffle, Buggna, Buhvir, Bulori, Burowl, Bushti, Buwtea, Buwwar, Cacgoo1, Cacwre, Calgna, Calgul, Calhum, Calqua, Calthr, Caltow, Camwar, Cangoo, Cantow, Canvas, Canwar, Canwre, Carchi, Carwre, Casauk, Casfin, Caskin, Casspa, Caster1, Casvir, Categr, Cavswa, Cedwax, Cerwar, Chbchi, Chclon, Chirav, Chispa, Chiswi, Chswar, Chukar, Chwwid, Cintea, Clagre, Clanut, Clarai11, Clcspa, Cliswa, Cogdov, Comeid, Comgal1, Comgol, Comgra, Comloo, Commer, Commur, Commyn, Comnig, Compau, Compoo, Comrav, Comred, Comter, Comyel, Conwar, Coohaw, Corfly, Coshum, Coukin, Cowscj1, Crecar1, Crithr, Cubthr, Daejun, Dickci, Doccor, Doveki, Dowwoo, Ducfly, Dunlin, Dusfly, Dusgro, Eargre, Easblu, Easkin, Easmea, Easowl1, Easpho, Eastow, Eawpew, Empgoo, Eucdov, Eursta, Eurwig, Eutspa, Evegro, Fepowl, Ferhaw, Fiespa, Fiscro, Flsjay, Forter, Foxspa, Fragul, Fuwduc, Gadwal, Gamqua, Gbbgul, Gchwar, Gcrfin, Gilfli, Gilwoo, Glagul, Gloibi, Glwgul, Gnttow, Gnwtea, Gockin, Gocspa, Gofwoo, Goleag, Gowwar, Graspa, Grawar, Grbani, Grbher3, Grcfly, Grecor, Greegr, Grekis, Greroa, Gresca, Greyel, Grgowl, Grhowl, Grnher, Grnjay, Grnkin, Grpchi, Grtgra, Grycat, Gryfly, Gryhaw2, Gryjay, Grykin, Grypar, Gryvir, Gubter1, Gwfgoo, Gycthr, Gyrfal, Haiwoo, Hamfly, Harduc, Harspa, Heegul, Henspa, Heptan, Hergul, Herthr, Herwar, Hoared, Hobkit, Hoomer, Hooori, Hoowar, Horgre, Horlar, Houfin, Houspa, Houwre, Hrshaw, Hudgod, Hutvir, Incdov, Indbun, Juntit1, Kenwar, Killde, Kineid, Kinrai4, Kitmur, Labwoo, Laplon, Larbun, Larspa, Laugul, Lawgol, Lazbun, Lbbgul, Leabit, Leafly, Leagre, Leasan, Leater1, Lecspa, Lecthr, Lepchi, Lesgol, Lesnig, Lessca, Lesyel, Lewwoo, Libher, Limpki, Linspa, Litgul, Lobcur, Lobdow, Lobthr, Loeowl, Logshr, Lotduc, Lotjae, Louwat, Lucwar, Macwar, Magfri, Magwar, Mallar3, Mancuc, Margod, Marmur, Marwre, Mcclon, Merlin, Mewgul, Mexjay4, Miskit, Monpar, Monqua, Motduc, Moublu, Mouchi, Moudov, Mouplo, Mouqua, Mouwar, Musduc, Mutswa, Naswar, Neocor, Nobtyr, Nohowl, Nopowl, Norbob, Norcar, Norcro, Norfli, Norful, Norgan, Norgos, Norhar2, Normoc, Norpar, Norpin, Norsho, Norshr4, Norwat, Nrwswa, Nstspa, Nswowl, Nutwoo, Oaktit, Olispa, Oliwar, Olsfly, Orcori, Orcwar, Osprey, Ovenbi1, Pacloo, Pacwre1, Pagplo, Paibun, Paired, Palwar, Parjae, Pasfly, Pecsan, Pelcor, Perfal, Phaino, Phivir, Pibgre, Piggui, Pilwoo, Pingro, Pinjay, Pinsis, Pinwar, Pipplo, Placha, Plsvir, Pomjae, Prafal, Prawar, Prowar, Purfin, Purmar, Pursan, Pygnut, Pyrrhu, Razorb, Rebmer, Rebnut, Rebsap, Rebwoo, Recpar, Recwoo, Redcro, Redegr, Redhea, Redkno, Redpha1, Reevir1, Refcor, Refwar, Rehwoo, Rengre, Renpha, Rensap, Reshaw, Rethaw, Retloo, Rewbla, Rhiauk, Ribgul, Ridrai1, Rinduc, Rinkin1, Rinphe, Robgro, Rocpig, Rocpta1, Rocsan, Rocwre, Rolhaw, Rosgoo, Rosspo1, Royter1, Rthhum, Ruckin, Rucspa, Rudduc, Rudtur, Rufgro, Rufhum, Rusbla, Ruwspa, Sabgul, Saggro, Sagspa1, Sagthr, Sancra, Sander, Santer1, Savspa, Saypho, Scaqua, Scatan, Scoori, Sctfly, Seaspa, Sedwre, Semplo, Semsan, Shbdow, Sheowl, Shshaw, Shtgro, Shthaw, Smilon, Snakit, Snobun, Snoegr, Snogoo, Snoowl1, Snoplo5, Solsan, Sonspa, Sora, Spbori, Speeid, Spodov, Spoowl, Sposan, Spotow, Sprgro, Sprpip, Sstspa, Steeid, Stejay, Stisan, Subfly, Sumtan, Surfbi, Sursco, Swahaw, Swaspa, Swathr, Swawar, Swtkit, Tenwar, Thbkin, Thbmur, Towsol, Towwar, Treswa, Tribla, Triher, Trokin, Tropar, Truswa, Tuftit, Tunswa, Turvul, Uplsan, Varbun, Varthr, Vauswi, Veery, Verdin, Verfly, Vesspa, Vigswa, Virrai, Virwar, Wantat1, Warvir, Wesblu, Wesgre, Wesgul, Weskin, Wesmea, Wesowl1, Wessan, Westan, Wewpew, Whbnut, Whcpig2, Whcspa, Whevir, Whfibi, Whhwoo, Whiibi, Whimbr, Whip-P1, Whocra, Whrsan, Whsowl1, Whtdov, Whthaw, Whtkit, Whtspa, Whtswi, Whwcro, Whwdov, Whwsco4, Wilfly, Willet1, Wilpha, Wilplo, Wilpta, Wilsap, Wilsni1, Wiltur, Winwre3, Wlswar, Woewar1, Wooduc, Wooscj2, Woosto, Woothr, Wrenti, Y00475, Y00478, Ycnher, Yebcha, Yebcuc, Yebfly, Yebloo, Yebmag, Yebsap, Yeejun, Yefgul, Yehbla, Yelrai, Yelwar, Yerwar, Yetvir, Yetwar, Zothaw ]
Parameter: Season
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Season
Description: For some species, the entire dataset is replicated for summer (breeding) and winter(non-breeding). However, this is not true for all species. Some species have a dataset for only one season.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Breeding
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Breeding, Nonbreeding ]
Parameter: year
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Year
Description: The year the model is predicting.The core dataset are 1-km resolution continuous raster of climate suitability for individual species in summer and winter. Suitability in 2010, 2025, 2055, 2085. For all future projections (2025, 2055, and 2085) there are four climate models and two climate scenarios (RCPs). Suitability values ranging from 0-1 were multiplied by 10,000 and converted to integer format to reduce file size.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: 2010
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ 2010, 2025, 2055, 2085 ]
Parameter: Scenario
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Scenario
Description: Scenario of the data (RCPs)
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: NA
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ 45, 85, NA ]
Parameter: Model
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Model
Description: Select which model was used to predict the data.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: NA
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Parameter: Dataset
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Dataset
Description: Which dataset is used.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Range
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Classified Change, Colonization Extirpation, Percent Change, Range, Suitability ]
Parameter: Masked
Data Type: GPString
Display Name Masked
Description: Masked = the cells of a raster that correspond to the areas defined by an additional layer.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionInput
Default Value: Masked
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Choice List: [ Masked, Null ]
Parameter: Output
Data Type: GPRasterDataLayer
Display Name Output Raster
Description: The name and location to store the single, selected raster.
Direction: esriGPParameterDirectionOutput
Default Value:
Parameter Type: esriGPParameterTypeRequired
Supported Operations:
Submit Job
Child Resources: