Service Description: A custom geoprocessing script to allow the internal Audubon team to extract one raster from the Climate 2.0 hosted image service. Background:Audubon has created a multi-dimensional raster dataset mapping the suitability of habitats for individual bird species across Mexico, the US, and Canadain summer and winter. The dataset helps Audubon determine how birds may respond to a changing climate in the future by mapping changesin habitat suitability over time and under different scenarios of future climate change. Climate change is complex and therefore scientists projectclimate into the future using different climate models driven by accepted future climate scenarios. This dataset includesboth multiple model projections and scenarios. Furthermore, Audubon has developed several derived productsfrom the suitability rasters to help Audubon interpret the projections and draw conclusions about the impacts of climate change on birds.Note: Through expert review, it was determined that open water was not suitable for 486 of the 604 modeled species. Open water was masked from those species datasets using the water land cover class from the Land Cover, 2010 (MODIS, 250m) data set from the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (
Execution Type: esriExecutionTypeAsynchronous
Result Map Server Name:
MaximumRecords: 1000
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